Blog Posts


In mathematics, a determinant is a special number that you can calculate for square matrices. It’s special because it is only nonzero if and only if the matrix is invertible and the linear map represented by the matrix is an isomorphism. That’s a lot of big words don’t you think? For today’s problem, we don’t […]

Add function

Today we have a quirky problem that requires knowledge of higher-order functions, recursion, and advanced language features. It’s an add function that returns an adder function. Add Function Problem The problem is to create a function that will add numbers together when called in succession. Example It should chain as many times as we want […]


Ever been to a football match, your team is playing for all their worth and the crowd is enchanted. Then some drunk guys on the other side of the stadium start shouting “WAVE! WAVE”. All of a sudden the a Mexican wave starts from their end, ripples all the way to where you are and […]


Oh boy, this one involved some thinking. The problem is to find the outlier in an array of integers. You are given a list that has a minimum of three elements but can have up to a thousand. The array will always have either all even numbers and exactly one odd number or all odd […]

Expanded Numbers

For today we have a number problem. The idea is to take an integer and return the expanded form. This problem wasn’t particularly difficult or tricky and honestly finding a wrong approach would have been harder than finding two correct approaches. Example Input: 12, Output “10 + 2” Input 42, Output “40 + 2” Expanded […]

Brace Validation

Yesterday I did the valid parentheses problem and came up with two solutions, that worked. One was overthought while the other was simplicity defined. The next logical question one can ask though is what if we now want to do brace validation? I.e. there are more than just brackets? What if we include curly braces{}, […]

Valid Parentheses

The scenario is you are given a string of parentheses and are tasked to check if they are valid. The description from codewars: “Write a function that takes a string of parentheses, and determines if the order of the parentheses is valid. The function should return true if the string is valid, and false if […]

Word Reversal Code Challenge

Here’s the scenario, you are given a string s that contains a sentence and your task is to write a word reversal function to reverse the order of all words that are longer than n characters. Example: s = The quick brown fox n = 4 Then the result should be “The kciuq nworb fox” […]

Google axes Workspace Legacy Edition

As if this year couldn’t get any worse, Google decided to discontinue its free Google Workspace Legacy Edition. I honestly can’t say I didn’t see this coming because it started years ago when they stopped the creation of new accounts, then reduced the number of users you could use. Right now Google is saying that […]

Has something gone wrong with GitHub?

I work in a Github repo that checks in many non-plain text files and sometimes my PRs will fail to display the rich diff with the cryptic message: Not very helpful right? Especially when reloads have a 50/50 chance of fixing the issue. Until Github addresses this issue there are a few ways to work […]